[nycphp-talk] MySQL 4 & php any luck?

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Thu Feb 6 09:09:24 EST 2003

--- Mike West <mxw65 at> wrote:
> I hope I didn't miss it if someone's posted previously, but I can't get
> MySQL 4 and php to play nicely yet. Is there a known issue somewhere? MySQL
> 4's libmysqlclient is at 12 where php wants 10. Anyone else trying to get
> this going?

I just did a compile of 4.3.0 on RH 7.3 against MySQL-Max 4.0.5a without any
issues.  If you're compiling from source, be sure to use
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql  (or wherever you installed MySQL) as you may
run into problems using PHP's supplied libmysqlcient, most noteably with new
versions of MySQL.


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