[nycphp-talk] System V Msgs

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Thu Feb 6 11:55:14 EST 2003

--- max goldberg <max at> wrote:
> I have been playing with the sysvmesg functions recently but I can't 
> seem to get them to work correctly, I do get_queue and it returns a 
> valid resource identifier, but when I try to do a msg_send I receive
> the following:
> msg_send(): msgsnd failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

Is this FreeBSD?  From man msgsnd that error translates to EAGAIN, which is
explained as:

"There was no space for this message either on the queue, or in the whole
system, and IPC_NOWAIT was set in msgflg."

So, I'm guessing somehow the queue isn't getting initialized properly, or any
number of things, maybe: system doesn't support sysV?  PHP doesn't have
proper permissions?  Do SHM/SEM work ok?  Have you tried sleep(5); then
trying again?


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