[nycphp-talk] <script language="php">

Chris Snyder chris at
Thu Feb 6 14:05:32 EST 2003

Jon Baer wrote:

>A small but annoying thing, I have been using this convention for a while
>but always wonder why you really couldn't use it for header() since it is
>your first code to pass through:
><script language="php">
>    header("Location: file.php");
>It is so much cleaner but I get the feeling it's not really acceptable ...
>(this is coming from someone with JSP exp), in fact is it possible to write
>parsing for a custom tag?
><script language="php" src="foo.php" arg1="bar"/>
>Sorry for off the wall question :-)
>- Jon
Wow, does this work?
I've always used PHP to format output into Javascript, and included it 
in the page that way:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='foo.php?format=js&arg=bar'></script>

foo.php would return something like this when called with $format==js :

     document.writeln('Hello. Arg equals bar.');

It would be fun to see this work the way you imply, though, with PHP 
outputting HTML as a client-side include. Never tried it.


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