[nycphp-talk] FW: [wwwac] Need WINXP Pro

Andrew Kupiec thr333d at
Sat Jan 4 13:53:54 EST 2003

Happy New Year all,

Is it possible to share this information about Windows XP home edition? I
also had this erratic crash in XP that locked up all my previous files from
my old user account. Any help or links would be much appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day,


> Hi All,
> Fyi, I called Peter this morning at around 9:00am. he apparently spent many
> hours on the phone w/microsoft. It was to my understanding that his problem
> has for the most part been taken care of. He also was very thankful for the
> call.
> Shawn
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Peter Shankman [mailto:shankman at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 2:05 AM
>> To: wwwac at
>> Subject: [wwwac] Need WINXP Pro (Will pay!)
>> Happy new year, all...
>> My new yea started with WinXP (home) crashing hard. I had to reinstall Win
>> XP, and of course, now it's there, and I can see all of my documents, but
>> I can't get to any of them. I need someone who can either a) help me
>> migrate all my programs etc over to the new version, or b) help me fix the
>> old version. (the file that's corrupt is called "intoskrnl.exe)
>> I'll pay-  tell me your hourly rate, and if you can come over either
>> Wednesday night or anytime on Thursday, I'll hire you. I'm in serious need
>> of help here...
>> Thanks - peter at
>> -Peter (646-522-9234)
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