[nycphp-talk] DB connection - web vs. command line?

Freedman, Tom S. tfreedma at
Thu Jan 9 15:34:26 EST 2003


I've done it on Windows... All you have to do is define the Access database
as an ODBC data source, then use the ODBC functions
( to connect to it and access the


-----Original Message-----
From: Kamm, William R , SOLIT [mailto:wkamm at]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 2:56 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] DB connection - web vs. command line?

Hi everyone,

After struggling with Windows all these years, I'm finally learning PHP
and My SQL on Linux/Apache.  Unfortunately, I have some data that I need
to get to, that is in an MS Access database.  Is it possible to access
Access via PHP?  Alternatively, is there a way to transform Access to
MySQL instead?  Any links to additional info would be appreciated!



-----Original Message-----
From: Freedman, Tom S. [mailto:tfreedma at] 
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 2:42 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] DB connection - web vs. command line?

Hi all,

I've run into another weird one.  I'm using PHP 4.1.2 to connect to SQL
Server 2000.  If I run the page from IIS, it connects to the DB just
fine and runs a stored procedure.  If I execute the same page via the
command line, it dies on the connection attempt (mssql_connect()).
Anyone run into something like this?  I can't figure out why they'd
behave differently.

Thanks in advance!

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