Fwd: RE: [nycphp-dev] FW: LWE Flyer

Michael Southwell southwell at
Sun Jan 19 22:33:50 EST 2003

> >
> >       When LWE is over, I think we should regroup and talk about putting
> > together a sponsor faq which will make it clear to sponsors and us what the
> > benefits and requirements are for sponsorship.  One of the obvious
> > requirement is a variety of logos suitable for web or print work.
>Yeah, I agree.  We need some language on the site about sponsorship, etc.
>Also, I think some of the language on the flyer is nice enough that we could
>update the site with some of things we've developed for the flyer.

In an earlier incarnation I was a Professor of English, and I will be happy 
to check over any proposed language for future materials to make sure it's 
clear, correct, and clean.  Sorry that I haven't been able to offer this 
for the LWE materials, but in the future I should be able to help in this 

Michael G. Southwell =================================
DNEBA Enterprises
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
southwell at

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