[nycphp-talk] $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] and Javascript historyobject

betenoir at betenoir at
Mon Jul 14 17:33:06 EDT 2003

>Will the previous page have any form elements? If so, within a form within
>pageA.php you can have this:
	<input type=hidden name=refURL value=<?= $PHP_SELF ?>>

Yes, I'm passing form data from page to page and then to a third party
>Calling this form variable in pageB.php would ensure that they came from

Except I'm not sure this will address the cache-ing problem. But5 you have
given me something to think about.
>You can also do this in a query string, however, a better solution would
>be some kind of unique key, such as
>That way you look for some unique string that could only have come from

Hmmm.  The O'Reilly BlueJay book mentions URL rewriting but I didn't see
any examples.  Cam you point me to any resources? And just to complicate
matters I'm also frames
Thanks for your help.

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