[nycphp-talk] Secure Data

Rudy Gamberini rudy at
Thu Jul 17 11:17:12 EDT 2003

I need to collect sensitive information on one of my web pages.  I have
established a secure session https:// utilizing my hosting service's
certificate.  Now that the session is secure I need to be sure the collected
data is secure.  While I could encrypt the data before storing it in the
MySQL database, I need to be able to decrypt it eventually to process the
orders.  I've used MD5 hash function to encrypt passwords I store in cookies
but that approach would not work here.  I need to hold the key locally,
meaning on a machine outside the web-server that will be able to decrypt the
information after retrieving it.

I like the idea that the database only stores encrypted data that way should
the database be compromised the information stored there will be of little

I am very unsure about any security techniques that work best in this
situation and just pointing me in the right directions would be greatly


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