[nycphp-talk] Botched email header

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Thu Jul 24 15:59:35 EDT 2003

--- Jeff <jsiegel1 at> wrote:
> After doing some additional research, it seems that the problem
> may not be the single quote that was botching up the header but
> the comma in the company name which Sendmail had interpreted as
> a delimiter and therefore it had assumed there were two different
> email addresses. I'm going to "test" that route by stripping out
> the "comma" to see if it fixes things.

So when someone's name is:

Shiflett, Chris

you're going to change it to:

Shiflett Chris

That doesn't sound like a good solution. Why not just put the name in quotes
like I suggested? That's what you're supposed to do anyway, and not doing so is
probably what is confusing sendmail.


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