[nycphp-talk] @include() affects all error_reporting !?!?

Adam Fields fields at
Sat Jul 26 09:08:53 EDT 2003

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 11:07:34PM -0400, Daniel Kushner wrote:
> I agree with Adam that errors are your friend and you should see all PHP
> generated errors. This, as Jonathan pointed out, is not suffice and you need
> to program some error handling on your own because your production server
> should NEVER display PHP generated errors.

On production servers, you should use set_error_handler to customize
error messages.

Again, not completely perfect, but the right approach is to fix the
underlying infrastructure instead of trick-coding around it. If you
absolutely HAVE to have it a certain way, do it, but don't suffer from
illusions that you're making things better by doing so.

				- Adam

Adam Fields, Managing Partner, fields at
Surgam, Inc. is a technology consulting firm with strong background in
delivering scalable and robust enterprise web and IT applications.

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