[nycphp-talk] PHP Editor

David Mintz dmintz at
Mon Jul 28 12:21:35 EDT 2003

Can't resist putting my belated $.02 into this religious thread.

On Windoze I've long used Homesite, but there's a tendency to stay with
the first reasonable tool you learn to use. Maybe something else is
better. But anything with a tough learning curve is a buzzkiller when
you're busy. That's what's slowing me down with adopting vim on Linux.  A
good GUI is great but it's nice to be handy with a nonGUI editor for when
you SSH into a machine where you don't have the luxury of X. So I keep

Meanwhile I've been playing with eclipse on both platforms -- yes it has a
learning curve too, but it's got a lot of cool stuff going for it, and
it's free.

David Mintz
Email: See first!

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Decibels of sounds pressure sufficient to ignite a person's hair: 165

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