[nycphp-talk] Big MySQL Problem

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Wed Jun 4 09:21:22 EDT 2003

--- "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo at> wrote:
> Folks:
> I'm not quite sure what to do about this one.  Hopefully you guys can
> help.
> MySQL on my server is running at 99% CPU, as reported by top.

RedHat assuming, and installed via RPMs?

> Anything that tries to access it (my web site, mysqldump, mysqladmin)
> waits forever.  I rebooted the server, and MySQL is still eating up
> the CPU.  I only found one log file in /usr/local/mysql/var, and it's
> dated from 2002.  How can I figure out what's wrong, fix the problem,
> and or restart MySQL so that it will work properly?

If you've installed from RPM and/or source/binary packages from you
might be running multiple instances.  I think that MySQL generally installs
to /usr/* from RPM and /usr/local/ from binary/source.  Look for a
/etc/init.d/mysql.server or similar file in /usr/local/etc.  Then, something
like mysql.server stop should shut it down, and using the appropiate my.cnf
(which should also be in /etc) you could disable certain aspects of it (like
disable the TCP listener) and turn on extensive logging, pointing to a know


> TIA,
> -Chris
> -- 
> cmerlo at
> We're sorry, but the number you have dialed is imaginary.  Please
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