[nycphp-talk] multi dimension array sort?

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Jun 10 09:10:45 EDT 2003

--- Nestor Florez <nestorflorez at> wrote:
> PHP'ers,
> I have an array multi associative array
> row[#]['empname'][dept']['ssn']['location']
> I want display them in a list and I want theuser to click on the column
> name and I will sort it according to the column and then display the array.
> I have tried using uasort, asort, array_multisort and I am not able to make
> it work.  Can anyone give me a hand on how to do than multi associative
> array sort.

array_multisort() is probably closest to what you want, but even that isn't
*really* what you want since it sorts the columns left to right.  You may try
something like:


To do exactly what you want, I'd highly recommend using a database - SQL's
ORDER BY is great, and probably faster in the long run :)

Otherwise, consider breaking the multidimensional array into montholithic
arrays, which may make them easier to work with, including use in
array_multisort().  Typically, hugely multidimensional arrays bring more
confusion than anything else :)


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