[nycphp-talk] Anyone using/developing on Snort/ACID?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jun 10 11:50:08 EDT 2003

Id be interested in that ... @ the moment Im only using ACID as a web
interface for disconnected DHCP clients as it will be pretty much just a
package that boots users running P2P or downloading porn over WiFi ... do
the ncurses apps also work on Windows w/ Cygwin?  I got ettercap to work but
I can't seem to compile using ncurses lib.

I have not seen sample PHP/ncurses apps but just from reading and it stressing to use the
extension @ ur own risk have you had any problems? (major ones I mean)

- Jon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hans Zaunere" <zaunere at>
> On a somewhat similar note, I had begun work on an extension to
> form/send/recv raw packets, but it's been on the back burner for some
> I guess it could be used to wreak havoc on an IDS  :)
> At work I'm just completing a couple ncurses apps in PHP - were you
> considering something console based, or strictly web related?

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