Fwd: RSVP Today for your PHP Meetup

Matthew Zimmerman mz34 at
Mon Mar 3 13:10:09 EST 2003

Anyone going to the next meetup?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: PHP Meetup <php at>
> Date: Thu Feb 27, 2003  8:12:20  PM US/Eastern
> To: matthew.zimmerman at
> Subject: RSVP Today for your PHP Meetup
> Hello mz34,
> You voted, we counted, and the results are in! Your
> PHP Meetup in New York, NY will be
>   Thursday, Mar 6 @ 7PM
>   V Bar (
>   225 Sullivan St.
>   New York, NY 10012
>   212-253-5740
> We hope you can make it to this month's Meetup. Click
> on the link below to confirm that you'll be there:
> Can't make it this time around? That's fine, we'll be
> be back in touch next month. Let us know that you're
> NOT coming here:
> We cancel Meetups that have fewer than 4 people
> confirmed as attending, so if you are indeed planning
> on coming, let us know!
> For more PHP Meetup details, visit:
> *** SIGN UP TO BE A HOST ***
> Pitch in and ensure your Meetup is a success! Being a HOST is
> simple, but critical to a good Meetup - you just need to get
> there on time and help people find each other.
> Sign up to be a host via your profile page:
> -- 
> Update your membership settings at:
Matthew Zimmerman
Humanities Computing Group, NYU
Tel: 212.998.3038
Fax: 212.995.4120

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