[nycphp-talk] lost in a maze of pages...

Tracy tech_learner at
Mon Mar 10 02:35:14 EST 2003

i got aroung temporarily by including a $_REQUEST in the page2.php. now in page5 i have a <a href > to page2 with the RN appended to the url
<a href page2.php?RN=<? =$rn ?>> someting like this...
the entire loop works fine but i dont want the RN to be seen now if its possible. i havent started on sessions yet. want to code the entire project and then session them as i have to give access rights to each page. any suggestions on how to pass the rn this way? do i have to include a form just with one hidden field to achieve the purpose?
 Ken Robinson <kenrbnsn at> wrote:The easiest way to do this is to uses SESSIONS. Put a "sesssion_start()" at the start of your PHP code in each file. In the file where it is defined 
put "$_SESSION['xx'] = rn;". In the files that need the value, put " rn = 

Read all about sessions in your favorite PHP reference guide or at

Ken Robinson

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