[nycphp-talk] experimenting CLI

Peter pl at
Mon Mar 10 13:01:16 EST 2003

I think that in windows you use double quotes and in a unix environment you use single quotes.


Tracy wrote:

> Hi,
> i was trying out the examples for using php from the command line. i have register_globals off and register_argc_argv on. i tried
> c:\\php4win\\cli>php -r '$wel = hello; print($wel);'
> to get a blank line...
> next i tried
> c:\\php4win\\cli> php -r "$wel = hello; print($wel);" and the next line was
> hello
> but the manual says to use single quotes???  have i failed to understand something or is my way of trying out the example is wrong. i tried the examples given in the manual too but they didnt work either...
> i remember some posts that mentioned CLI. i didnt understand wot they were and got interested to find out. can someone plz tell me how to start?
> thz
> Tracy
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