[nycphp-talk] php include file question

David Rodriguez drodriguez1 at
Mon Mar 31 13:01:39 EST 2003

Don't know about anyone else, I'm still new to this, but I name the html files ".php" and then for the include statement I use "include 'copyright.php';"  That is the only thing that worked for me.  You won't have to change anything in the current .html file other than the extension.


On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 12:52PM, Deidra McIntyre <lists at> wrote:

>I'm breaking up my html site into includes (header, copyright, etc.).
>Within the HTML documents that call the include files, I have the
>appropriate php tags (i.e. <? include("copyright.html"); ?> . All of the
>includes (i.e. copyright.html) are sitting in the same directory as my
>html pages (i.e. index.html). PHP is installed.
>So, why, no matter what I do, don't the include files parse into my
>document? I have tried to changed the include extensions from .html to
>php to .inc. None parse. Most of my includes contain basic HTML (no php)
>like <p>Copyright &copy; 2003. All Rights Reserved.</p>.
>Am I doing something wrong? Or does my technician need to change something
>in the server configuration (if so what)?
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David "e.Dave" Rodriguez

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