[nycphp-talk] XML files

Rick Seeger rick at
Tue May 6 16:58:35 EDT 2003

How about creating a tiered directory structure [0-9a-z]/[0-9a-z] so the
file "xmlfiles/myfile.xml" would be stored as xmlfiles/m/y/myfile.xml. On
average you'd end up with (1 million / (36*36)) = 771 files per directory
which even windows can handle.

- Rick

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Chuon [mailto:LarryC at]
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 4:49 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] XML files

I'm doing everything that you mention below.  Each file associates with a
product.  It also has an image as well.  The image will have IPTC header
that describe the product, price, model, make and etc.  Let me know if you
need more info.  Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Baer [mailto:jonbaer at]
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 4:46 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] XML files

What are you looking to do with the files? (ie, display, query, export, etc)
. when in doubt, go SAX :-)

- Jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Chuon" <LarryC at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 1:41 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] XML files

> I have nearly a million XML files generated from the database for products
> in my OSSuite application.  What is the best way to handle so many tiny
> files?  Windows crawl to its knees when I try to open up the directory
> the files locate at.  Is there a way to optimize disk I/O?

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