[nycphp-talk] The PHP Framework?

webmaster at webmaster at
Tue May 13 08:53:57 EDT 2003

> This is nothing new.  It is a rehash of ideas (surprise) that has been
> around for decades, i.e., CORBA, and now Web Services.  

True, but it is a different concept than web services. Rather than making 
distributed systems communicate, it is more like PHP, Javascript and Perl all 
being compiled and running together on a JVM.

Quoting "Bhulipongsanon, Pinyo" <Pinyo.Bhulipongsanon at>:

> "But really, the concept of writing in any language and having it work with
> other programmer's code written in a different language is at least
> interesting."
> This is nothing new.  It is a rehash of ideas (surprise) that has been
> around for decades, i.e., CORBA, and now Web Services.  As a person who has
> used both technologies, I can say, save yourself 50% of your time by
> switching from ASP to PHP, and save another 50% by stop writing code for
> NS4.  :-P
> -----Original Message-----
> From: webmaster at [mailto:webmaster at]
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 8:23 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] The PHP Framework?
> I have never used, but for the record, the programmer would write
> the
> application in Jscript and it would be compiled into the CLR which would run
> on
> the server, not the client.
> Why? is another story. I guess the MS market research department did a study
> and found out there were a bunch of javascripters who refused to learn a
> server-
> side language.
> But really, the concept of writing in any language and having it work with
> other programmer's code written in a different language is at least
> interesting.
> Quoting "Vanmosel, Arno" <Arno.Vanmosel at>:
> > Sorry ... I replied to the wrong subject in the mailing.
> >
> > You see ... that's how funny this article by Microsoft actualy is.... I
> lost
> > total control over myself! lmao
> >
> > --- Original sent ---
> >
> >
> > Hehehehe ....
> > This is just to funny!
> >
> > "JScript" ... didn't even see that one!
> > Client side scripting is supported by .NET ... no shit Sherlock!
> >
> > And it better support your own languages too ... Wouldn't it be funny
> > is .NET did not support VB .NET? It's like PHP not supporting ...
> > well ... mod-php.
> >
> > What is next?  hehehehe
> >
> > Thanks Hans ... I needed a good laugh.
> >
> > Arno
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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