[nycphp-talk] Creating multidimensional arrays

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Wed May 14 12:12:35 EDT 2003

How's this:



-----Original Message-----
From: max goldberg [mailto:max at] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:40 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Creating multidimensional arrays

I'm not sure how compliant this is to HTML specifications, but one
useful thing you can do is use arrays in form variables, for instance:

<input type="text" name="array[test]" value="">

When you post this, $_POST['array'] will be a populated array. I have
found this useful when you have some sort of multiple select. You can
have 15 check boxes with the name="option[<some unique id
here>]" and then you just get an array of all of the select options to
loop through.

I'm not sure if this would speed anything up (it may make it even make
it a bit slower) but it does provide a small amount of convenience.


Emmanuel. M. Decarie wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this little function that work well for me, but I was
> wondering if it could be optimized. I use it to set the default value 
> of checked radio buttons. Also, while doing this function, I 
> discovered that PHP can autoinstantiate associative arrays in depth. 
> For ex.
> $ar = array ();
> $ar['one']['two']['three'] = 'hello world';
> echo $ar['one']['two']['three'];
> --> hello world
> I must say that PHP's array are one of the nicest feature of the 
> language.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Here's what it look inserted in the HTML page:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> <hr>
> <form>
> Are you ugly?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_1" value="1" <?php echo
> $radioGroup['1']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_1" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['1']['2'] ?>>
> <hr>
> Are you tall?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_2" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['2']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_2" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['2']['2'] ?>>
> <hr>
> Are you funny?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_3" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['3']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_3" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['3']['2'] ?>>
> </form>
> --------------------------------------------------------
> And here's the function:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function assignValues ($maxOutArrays, $maxInArrays, $arSelection) {
>    $counter1   = 1;
>    while ( $counter1 <= $maxOutArrays ) {
>      $counter2 = 1;
>      while ( $counter2 <= $maxInArrays ) {
>        if ( !isset ($arSelection[$counter1][$counter2]) ) {
>          $arSelection[$counter1][$counter2] = '';
>        }
>        $counter2++;
>      }
>      $counter1++;
>    }
>    return $arSelection;
> }
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['1']['2'] = 'checked'; 
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['2']['1'] = 'checked'; 
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['3']['1'] = 'checked';
> $radioGroup = assignValues (3, 2, $radioGroupDefaultValues);
> --------------------------------------------------------
> And the output show with var_dump ($radioGroup)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> array(3) {
>    [1]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [2]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [1]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
>    [2]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [1]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [2]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
>    [3]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [1]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [2]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
> }
> Now I have a big form with 50 radio buttons in 10 groups of 5 radio
> buttons. I didn't benchmark this function, it seems that it run well, 
> but if there is a better way to do it, I'd like to hear it.

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