[nycphp-talk] form confusion...

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Wed May 14 15:35:08 EDT 2003

Thanks for the response Jeff..

On 5/14/03 3:21 PM, "Jeff" <jsiegel1 at> wrote:

> It would seem that if the structural stability choices are mutually
> exclusive, then they would go into a single database column. The same
> would apply to the checkboxes.

in the same table though?

> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua S. Freeman [mailto:jfreeman at]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 2:13 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] form confusion...
> First off, thanks to the many people who helped me out with my previous
> question about making it possible for people to upload images.  I'm not
> there quite yet but when I get there I'm sure the answers I received
> will be incredibly helpful.  Thanks again.
> I'm working on the same project.. in brief, a scientist has about 1000
> specimens of the same kind of thing and wants to make a database
> containing a survey of these 1000 specimens.  The main table in the
> database is the 'specimen'table, but that table has lots of fields for
> the 'id' number of records in related tables.
> In most cases, it's clear from the form whether or not I need to build a
> table to relate to the main 'specimen' table but in some cases, it's not
> so clear.
> Here's an example of what I mean:
> in the form, there's an area called 'structural stability'.  Someone
> filling out the form can select for a few radio button:
> -----------snip-----------------
> <input type="radio" name="structural stability" value="stable">stable
> <input type="radio" name="structural stability" value="slightly
> unstable">slightly unstable
> etc...
> ---------------snip-------------
> in addition to 4 possible radio buttons, there are also 2 checkboxes
> associated with the idea of 'structural stability':
> ---------------snip-------------
> <input type="checkbox" name="structural stability" value="inadequate
> storage support"> inadequate storage support
> <input type="checkbox" name="structural stability" value="current insect
> activity">   current insect activity
> ---------------snip-------------
> so, here's my question:
> right now, i have the name of all the radio buttons and the checkboxes
> as 'structural stability'
> i'm not sure, however, how to handle this on the database side of
> things. Should I give the checkboxes different names and their own
> tables?
> I'm a little confused at the moment and would love someone with more
> experience to shine some light on the path...
> Thanks in advance..
> And rest assured that once I'm done with this project I should be in
> shape to begin offering up some advice of my own to new newbies.
> Thanks!
> Joshua
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