[nycphp-talk] archive the news to 'next page'

Chris Snyder chris at
Sun May 18 10:09:53 EDT 2003

deedee wrote:

>SO...... i'm going to make an HREF for the word Archives to something like new1.php and then i need to somehow start a new starting reference point to display the news.  i know i have counted the total available news accurately because i got 11 when i put in the code  //print "<B>News ($count_news_results):</B>"; i guess i need to somehow define a variable that is equal to $count_news_results minus the three news articles i previously displayed.  but at somepoint i need a loop to end when i run out of news.  
The code I'd use would be something like this for the main page -- I'm 
not sure what FOUND_ROWS is, I've always used count on a column to find 

// set up the number to display on the main page:
$pagetotal= 3;

// get the total number of articles
$totalquery= "SELECT count(NewsDate) FROM www_news";
$totalresult= mysql_query($totalquery);
if ($array= mysql_fetch_row($totalresult)) $total= $array[0];

// display the first three
$query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NewsDate,'<CENTER>%W<BR>%D %M %Y %r</CENTER>'),News FROM www_news ORDER BY NewsDate DESC LIMIT $pagetotal";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
    die("<h2>!queryErr - error executing query.</h2><br>$query");

// use your while loop to print the news...
while ($array= mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
   etc. etc. etc.

// then for the link to the archives
if ($total > $pagetotal) {
    $archive= $total - $pagetotal;
    print "<a href='newsarchive.php?offset=$pagetotal'>news archive ($archive stories)</a>";

And in newsarchive.php you would use the offset you sent to build the query:

$offset= $_GET['offset'];
$query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NewsDate,'<CENTER>%W<BR>%D %M %Y %r</CENTER>'),News FROM www_news ORDER BY NewsDate DESC LIMIT $offset, -1";
// the -1 means select from $offset to the end of the record set

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