[nycphp-talk] A few questions

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Mon May 19 01:22:10 EDT 2003


On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 11:33:15PM -0400, John W. Markert wrote:
> When using PHP with MySQL is there a way to find the index of a
> field/column by providing the associative name? I have n related
> elements in a table that I want to process in a loop and I want to ask
> MySQL where to start processing.

I don't believe there is one directly.  You could try to rig something up
using mysql_fetch_array().  That returns an array containing values of
both assciative and enumerated keys.  Then you might be able to find your
answer using array_search().  Hmm...  Actually, create two arrays.  One
enumerated.  One associative.  Find the value from the associative.  Then
use that value as the needle in the enumerated array "haystack" via

But, after all that's said, I don't really see the point.  Why are you 
trying to do this?  Sounds like you're creating a problem or attacking 
something in a way that may be better approachced from another direction.


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