[nycphp-talk] I'm stupid...

Malcolm, Gary gmalcolm at
Wed May 21 14:47:34 EDT 2003

your $query just returns a pointer to the mysql result set... it is not an

now use mysql_fetch_assoc($query); to get each row in tuern as an assoc

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua S. Freeman [mailto:jfreeman at]
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 May, 2003 11:38 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] I'm stupid...
> I've made a conceptual breakthrough (duh!) with regards to 
> this project I'm
> working on to really get to a meaningful skill level with MySQL/PHP
> development.  But.. for some reason, I'm really stuck on this 
> one point:
> I have a database called 'wasps'.  The database has 19 tables 
> so far most of
> which are 'lookup' tables (is that the right term?)...
> The main table in the database is called 'specimens'.  Each 
> 'specimen' has a
> taxonomy (order, family, genus, subgenus, species, subspecies).
> For each part of the taxonomy I have a separate table.
> Ideally, when someone loads the survey form to begin building 
> a new record
> in the 'specimens' table, I want to query those taxonomy 
> tables (order,
> family, genus, etc...) so that I can build
> <select><option></option></select> menus based on the rows inside each
> taxonomic table...
> I want to do this using 'foreach'...
> I've tried a few different things but I can't get it to work:
> mysql_connect($host, $user, $password)
>     or die("Could not connect to database");
> mysql_select_db($database)
>     or die ("Could not select $database database");
> print "The current database is $database";
> $query= mysql_query("select * FROM order");
> $result = $query;
>         print ("<select name=\\"order\\">");
>         foreach ($result as $key=>$val)
>         print "<option value=\\"1\\>$val</option>";
>         print ("</select>");
>         }
> ?>
> but this does not work.. i know I'm close.. and I just spent 
> 2 hours at
> barnes & nobles at a table in the cafe with a bunch of PHP 
> books (couldn't
> find that WROX book someone suggested earlier)  trying to 
> make this work on
> just the order table because that table only has one record 
> in it...  but I
> could not make it work.. if I can figure out how to make 
> this, I'll be able
> to make considerable progress on this thing..
> Someone please help me over this hump!
> Thanks!
> J.
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