[nycphp-talk] global variables

Malcolm, Gary gmalcolm at
Thu May 22 19:13:03 EDT 2003


 never even thought of appending the GLOBALS array!

on the same subject:
	does php get the same performace boost from referencing large arrays
instead of passing them like C?

	$fatarray = array(5 Megs o' stuff);

	function sortFatArray(&$fattyref){

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:zaunere at]
> Sent: Thursday, 22 May, 2003 3:55 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] global variables
> --- "Malcolm, Gary" <gmalcolm at> wrote:
> > I've been told best practice is to NOT use globals in 
> functions, if simply
> > for readability but I bet we all do :) . Also, I wonder if a passed
> > reference to a variable is as efficient... does anyone have 
> an opinion on
> > which of these is better and why (as a general rule)
> > 1)
> > 
> > 	$var foo;
> > 	function  bar(&$foo){
> > 		do stuff to change $foo
> > 	}
> > 
> > 2)
> > 	var $foo = bar();
> > 	function bar(){
> > 		do stuff
> > 		return a value for $foo
> > 	}
> > 
> > 3)
> > var $foo;
> > bar();
> > function bar(){
> > 	global $foo;
> > 	do stuff to change $foo
> > }
> From various dealings and bugging people, I understand that this is
> preferred:
> function createAglobal() {
>    $GLOBALS['myglobal'] = 'The Value';
> }
> /** Fast **/
> function readAglobal() {
>    echo "This is my global: {$GLOBALS['myglobal']}";
> }
> /** A *tiny* bit slower, but more readable if the global is 
> used a lot **/
> function readAglobal2() {
>    $nochange = $GLOBALS['nochange'];
>    echo "This is my global: $nochange";
> }
> function changeAglobal() {
>    $GLOBALS['yeschange'] .= "Appending this string";
>    echo "This changed the global var:  {$GLOBALS['yeschange']}";
> }
> function changeAglobal2() {
>    $yeschange = &$GLOBALS['yeschange'];
>    $yeschange .= "Appending this string";
>    echo "This changed the global var:  $yeschange";
> }
> Or any variation thereof - YMMV  :)
> H
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