[nycphp-talk] $_POST

Webapprentice webapprentice at
Sat May 24 12:34:45 EDT 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo at> wrote:
>>Also, if you disable globals (generally a good idea), $_POST won't
>>work anymore.  Replace with $HTTP_POST_VARS.
> That's not quite right. $HTTP_POST_VARS and $_POST are the same thing. $_POST
> was added in 4.1.0 to make it more convenient to use. What register_globals
> does is register variables sent from the client into globals, so that you can
> use $foo instead of $_POST['foo'] (or $HTTP_POST_VARS['foo'] if you use an
> older version).
> Chris

Unless you know what host environment you are going to be in, one may 
opt to use $HTTP_POST_VARS['foo'].  I've run into several hosts who have 
not upgraded the engine, so $_POST doesn't work.

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