PHP 4.3.2 released

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Thu May 29 08:40:31 EDT 2003

After a lengthy QA process, PHP 4.3.2 is finally out!
This maintenance release solves a lot of bugs found in earlier PHP versions
and is a *strongly* recommended upgrade for all users of PHP.

PHP 4.3.2 contains, among others, following important fixes, additions and

- Fixes several potentially hazardous integer and buffer overflows.
- Fixes for several 64-bit problems.
- New Apache 2.0 SAPI module (sapi/apache2handler, enabled
with --with-apxs2).
- New session_regenerate_id() function. (Important feature against malicious
session planting).
- Improvements to dba extension.
- Improvements to thttpd SAPI module.
- Dropped support for GDLIB version 1.x.x (php_gd.dll) on Windows.
- An unix man page for CLI version of PHP.
- New "disable_classes" php.ini option to allow administrators to disable
certain classes for security reasons.
- ..and a HUGE amount of other bug fixes!

For a full list of changes in PHP 4.3.2, see the NEWS file.

Daniel Kushner
Vice President, New York PHP
daniel at

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