[nycphp-talk] PHundamentals Topic #4: php.ini settings

John Corry lists at
Thu Nov 13 15:12:10 EST 2003

I have a function library that comes with me to each new project I start.
Stuff like a MySQL class, HTML class, email address validation,
authentication tools...that sort of stuff.

I have a master function file that includes all of the other files.

In my new site's .htaccess file (both on my Windows local development
machine and the RHES production server at Rackspace) I set auto_prepend,
like this:

php_value auto_prepend_file path/to/my/functions/library/masterfile.php

That way, I don't have to bother with making sure the path to my functions
files are set in subdirectories or execute logic like:
If this is my local workstation
	include from this path
If this is the production server
	include from that path

I just wanted to share this because I remember when I discovered it, it made
me really, really happy.

Thanks, Glad to be with you all,
John Corry

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