[nycphp-talk] Failure to write session data

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Sat Nov 22 21:21:38 EST 2003

Unfortunately the debug_backtrace is a 4.3.0 function and I'm using 4.1.2.


Daniel Convissor wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 08:47:34AM -0500, Jeff Siegel wrote:
>>fs.file-nr 11145  10529  104856
> But, of course, you're looking AFTER the fact.  Though, admittedly, this 
> probably isn't your problem.  To check at the moment of the error, put 
> some code in your error handler to check the handle situation.  Hmm... 
> perhaps even add a debug_backtrace in there and/or other system 
> performance examination tools.
> --Dan

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