[nycphp-talk], mac ie, etc

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Nov 24 01:22:03 EST 2003

Hi Folks:

I'm looking forward to being one of the presenters at this month's 
meeting.  I'll be providing highlights from the site.

I just implemented some fixes tonight.  So, if you've looked at the site 
at any point using Internet Explorer or Netscape 6 on the Mac OR you 
viewed the photo gallery at some point over this weekend using any 
browser, please stop by again to see how things really look.

FYI: on the Mac IE front...  it took me a while to pin down, but it turns
out table row background colors end up being shown in the cell spacing.  
Thus, background colors are best specified for cells. See a new page I put
together explaining/demonstrating the whole shebang:

See you,


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