[nycphp-talk] Help Request- Again!

amanda at amanda at
Tue Nov 25 23:01:46 EST 2003

Dear Members of NY PHP List!
Unfortunately, the programmer I've enlisted to help me redesign Dean hasn't been able to work on the site very much. I have a clear
idea of what the site needs in order to really get going. We have over a
thousand people visiting the site every day and there is no LOGIN! Nothing
has changed on the site in the last month, partially due to my own
frustration with not being a web savvy person! The first thing I need help
with is a LOGIN system, the next thing would be some sort of database or
blog to catalogue Dean's endorsements. Please, anyone who really has the
time to do this..HELP ME! This could bring in many, many votes for Dean by
transforming endorsements from a name on a list to a powerful tool to
inspire people. If you would like more info on my vision for this site,
please e-mail me ASAP! Thanks and sorry to bother the list again! Amanda
(amanda at p.s. peter, i lost your e-mail address!

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