[nycphp-talk] AMP comments

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Oct 5 11:46:02 EDT 2003

Daniel J Cain Jr. wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 13:34, Tim Gales wrote:
>>Perhaps we could have a web page, and ask people to read it
>>before signing up.
> It might be useful to provide info in a "Welcome to the NYPHP mailing
> list" upon signing up to the list.  I am by no means an expert in
> netiquette and would find it helpful to read some information how to
> effectively use the mailing list as an 'additional' resource.
> Not to insult the readers intelligence nor scare off newer users from
> even posting to the list.  But maybe info on how to trim response posts
> for readability and how to effectively ask questions (steps taken
> already, code examples, etc.).
> Just a thought that occurred to me while reading Tim's response.  I'll
> leave it to the mailing list veterans to fill in any blanks or
> oversights.

There's been a couple who have expressed interest in writing these types of guidelines up, which I think is very important.  If others are either interested or experienced in such guidelines, please contact me and we'll get somethings down on paper, and finally up on the site.

I also setup a forum at  It's barebones right now, and needs to be tweaked for nyphp's look and functionality.  If you have experience managing a forum like this, please contact me and we can work together on getting this resource out to the community.



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