[nycphp-talk] Syntax question (was handling forms (relative newbie))

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Mon Oct 6 17:13:16 EDT 2003

Thanks for all of the responses.  I'm very happy I asked as I 
definitely DON'T want to develop bad habits that could potentially come 
back to torment me later!

BTW, the book that I am using which gives the no quote examples is 
"Advanced PHP for the World Wide Web" by Larry Ullman, part of the 
Visual Quickpro series by Peachpit Press.  Perhaps this was acceptable 
back when it was written (copyright 2002), as it is also using 
$HTTP_POST_VARS instead of $_POST?  Hmm, the cover does say that it 
covers PHP versions 3 and 4...


On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 04:17 pm, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> So yeah, don't ever do $_SESSION[first_name];  PHP is loosely typed 
> and forgiving - but don't take advantage of it too much, as it'll come 
> around and burn you some time :)
> H

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