[nycphp-talk] retro php

shawn at shawn at
Tue Oct 14 03:35:39 EDT 2003

Hey Man,

I'm not sure of the exact version it changed in, but you need to register
the session vars. it's been so long so I don't remember the exact function
name., but that should be it. have a good one

Shawn Lawyer

> Hi,
> I'm new enough to PHP that I've always used $_SESSION-style superglobals
> with register_globals off & etc, but now I find myself trying to get a
> project to run on 4.0.6
> At first the docs led me to the conclusion: No problem, I'll just change
> all those $_SESSION collections to $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, but the values
> I'm setting don't seem to be installing themselves into the session at
> all. The PHPSESSID out of $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS stays the same, but
> $HTTP_SESSION_VARS seemingly empties out on every page load.
> Any idea if it's some odd server config? The scant remaining docs about
> HTTP_SESSION_VARS make me feel like it should work pretty much the same
> way $_SESSION does on our 4.2.2 server.. where the code does work. I
> can't find anything specific to these deprecated globals..
> Of course I am calling session_start()
> &, no. sadly, upgrading the server doesn't count as a solution, though
> I've been advocating it for some time.
> Is this a familiar problem?
> Thanks,
> Kenneth
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