[nycphp-talk] retro php

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Tue Oct 14 09:30:30 EDT 2003

Hi Kenneth:

On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 03:01:20AM -0400, Kenneth Dombrowski wrote:
> I'm new enough to PHP that I've always used $_SESSION-style superglobals
> with register_globals off & etc, but now I find myself trying to get a
> project to run on 4.0.6

Why?  Are you stuck on a server with a majorly bug ridden, outdated, 
version of PHP?  OUCH.  Time to change providers.

> At first the docs led me to the conclusion: No problem, I'll just change
> all those $_SESSION collections to $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, but the values

Far simpler is to do this at the top of the script than to change all 
instances of your variables.:


The rest of your questions were already answered.



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