[nycphp-talk] Perl bumped by PHP in the Linux Journal Reader's Choice Awards

Hans Zaunere hans at
Tue Oct 14 13:32:25 EDT 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:

> --- "DeWitt, Michael" <mjdewitt at> wrote:
>>I was so surprised by this year's results in the November issue of
>>LJ. Here are the top three choices in the Favorite Programming
>>Language category:
>>1. C++
>>2. C
>>3. PHP
> I love PHP and all, but I find these results hard to believe. Perl still seems
> quite a bit more popular to me. And Java, which I can't stand, seems more
> popular than both PHP and Perl.

I was surprised to not see Java, as well.  My only thought was that it's "Favorite Programming Language," rather than most popular, but then again it'd be vital to see how these are ranked because I think more people "love" C than C++, although C++ or some variant of is more common these days.


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