[nycphp-talk] virtual host;review posts?

Hans Zaunere hans at
Wed Oct 22 08:41:16 EDT 2003

> please dont take offense Jon but we just discussed the setup of virtual host
> about 2 weeks ago... we recently had more than 18 posts on how to set up
> virtual host including links to apache website
> and our own
>  (check the nytalk archives around oct 6
> through oct 8).
> a general question to our fearless leaders of NYPHP, i am wondering how
> anyone can be sure to thoroughly search the 'archives' before asking
> questions in this nyphp-talk.  the only reason i even know the virtual host
> discussion occurred is because i was  involved with the discussion thread...
> but i am just as likely to ask a question about a topic that was discussed
> in detail in the past or in another nyphp resources.

As others have mentioned, a google is probably the best best right now ( or click Search from the main menu across the top of  It works good (I actually used it the other day to find something) but the only downside is there's at least a several week lag between crawls.

We're working on doing a new mailing list with tons of goodies, but until then the google search will probably be the way to go.  Unless of course someone wants to hack up Mailman, let me know :)

All this said, I'm not sure Jon's post concerned vhosts that much... see followup.


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