[nycphp-talk] send header before end of script?

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Thu Oct 23 17:38:37 EDT 2003

I have a bulk email script that sends emails to about 1000 recipients.  The
script has sleeps in it that cause it to run for about 2 hours after the
user initiates it.  Due to the nature of request/response, the user will not
get a confirmation message until 2 hours later.  I have set
ignore_user_abort and I would like to send the a confirmation screen to the
user that tells them that, "the process has been started and it will be
completed in 2 hours."  But from what I can tell, sending the header
redirect to the confirmation page aborts the execution of the script.
Sounds like a chicken before the egg thing.  Any solutions?

Stephen Musgrave

//  stephen at

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