[nycphp-talk] AOL, sessions

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Oct 23 20:32:33 EDT 2003

Hi Jeff:

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 05:27:42PM -0400, Jeff Siegel wrote:

> When going from the final page to the "Thank You" I use the following:
> header("Location:$http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/used_auto_parts_request
> /used_auto_parts_request_thanks.php?code=" . session_id());
> The "Thank You" page grabs the session ID and then performs its stuff.
> This works quite nicely *UNLESS*, it seems, someone is using AOL and
> it's built-in browser.

AOL's a pain, that's for sure.  It really blows when the big players 
ignore standards and come up with proprietary kluges.

Anyway, the simple way is to send it between scripts using post rather
than sessions. 

See you,


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