[nycphp-talk] AOL, sessions

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Fri Oct 24 15:06:34 EDT 2003

--- Jim Smith <jim at> wrote:
> I experiened a problem with AOL and sessions on a projet that I was
> working a year ago. I narrowed down that the problem was associated
> with the fact that AOL users IP address can change within a session.
> I wound up creating my own session handler. A better work around
> probably exists...

Why was it necessary to create your own session handler? There is nothing
inherent in PHP sessions that depends on anything at the TCP/IP layer; that
would be foolish.

Note that this isn't the fault of AOL or an example of them violating
standards. HTTP is the protocol for Web traffic, and as long as that part is
right, the transport is independent. Now, if AOL violated some TCP/IP layer
specification, it would be a networking error, but still not really a
Web-related one.

The only problem comes from the fact that PHP makes available to the developer
some information from the TCP/IP layer, such as the remote address, and this
information is misused in some Web applications. AOL can't be held accountable
for that.


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