[nycphp-talk] accessing $_SESSION elements

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Oct 24 17:07:03 EDT 2003

Hmm, good reading.  However, the second line on the phundamentals 
article says "The focus here will be on determining whether the 
variable contains something;"

Since my form is dynamically generated, the first thing I am trying to 
do is determine if the array element even exists.  For example, if the 
user chooses to enter 4 fairs, 5_fair_name will not exist.  So, first I 
was checking it's existence using isset, and then if it does I can 
perform operations on it.

Does that sounds like I'm on the right track or are there better ways 
for me to check for the array element's existence?

On Friday, October 24, 2003, at 03:22 pm, Michael Southwell wrote:

> Aside from all the explicit advice you've gotten about how to handle 
> this, make sure that "isset" is actually the test you want.  Check 
> PHundamentals #2 at to see (or 
> remember) just how complicated this might be.
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