[nycphp-talk] TAR and permissions

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Sun Oct 26 05:55:41 EST 2003

Hi there:

I've written a simple script that's moving files from a staging 
server location to the live server area (virtual servers on the same 
Linux box).

I'm doing it by creating a TAR file from specified files in the 
staging area, copying the TAR file over to the live area, and 
extracting it.

My problem is that all files coming out of the archive are having the 
user and group 'apache' assigned to them.  Is it possible to 
accomplish this without altering the user/group information?

(The script is being run from a Web interface...PHP scripts are being 
parsed by the PHP Apache module, not the CGI version.)


Marc Antony Vose

When a man is generally detested,
or when he is generally beloved,
closer examination is necessary.
-- K'ung-Tzu

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