[nycphp-talk] Food for Thought (Microsoft @ PHPCon)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 30 10:51:21 EST 2003

David Sklar wrote:

> On Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:47 AM,  wrote:

"Before I came down I was worried about how I would be accepted by this crowd as a Microsoft representative.  Would it be hostile?  Would it be open?  I was pleasantly surprised by how well I was received.  Everyone has been open, understanding, and engaging."

I think that pretty well sums it up.  The PHP crowd is often more 'open' than the Linux folks.

> I think some of this comes down to:
> Will PHP 6 (or 7 or whatever) be based on this:
> or this:
> Who gets to be libc for web programming?

PHP already is IMO; it's the 'libj' that everyone is trying to find.


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