[nycphp-talk] why does setcookie fail?????

Brian Pang bpang at
Sat Sep 6 15:22:26 EDT 2003

Phil, can you send me your url so I can try it in my browser?

I maintain my recommendation that you should quote the cookie value you
wish to set.

"$row['nnet_user_registrationnumber']", 0, '/');

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> Fourth attempt.. it fails now in login, I check by printing
$_COOKIE['nordicnet_registration'] and there is no value there!  Guys,
what on earth do I do about this????
> Here is the code that sets the cookie:
> if ($hasLoggedIn && ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query))) {
>    setcookie('nordicnet_registration',
$row['nnet_user_registrationnumber'], 0, '/');
>    @mysql_free_result($query);
>    mysql_close($dbConn) or die('Could not close db');
>    $html .= $font . '<font color=000099>Takk for logging inn.  For
forsatte ' .
>             "<a
href=http://$serverName/index.php?content=membersites/Palogget%20S1.php " .
>             '  target=_top>klikk her</a></font></font>';
>   } else if (sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
>    $errorMsg .= $font . '<font color=cc0000><li>Det finns en problem
med db</li></font></font><p>';
>    $hasLoggedIn = 0;
>   }
> Because the PHP script is in a frame, instead of using header() I
print out some text with a link <a href=mylink.php target=_top> for the
user to click and to go to another page.  By then the cookie should be
registered, yet it's not there!
> I'm at a complete loss.
> Phil

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