[nycphp-talk] Sneaking in unwanted characters

Jeff jsiegel1 at
Wed Sep 10 15:34:55 EDT 2003

My client doesn't want anyone who visits his website to enter an email
address like at
So, I have two checks to validate the email entered by the user. Each
check uses preg_match.

Here's the pattern used for the first match:

Then the email goes through a second check: ( preg_match('/^www\./',
trim($_POST['email'])) ) 

Somehow someone managed to sneak through an email address with a www at
the beginning and I'm a bit puzzled as to how they managed to do it. Is
it possible that they entered some sort of non-printable character, like
a character with an ASCII value less than 33, which would foil the data
check? Or is it something obvious that I'm overlooking?

Jeff Siegel

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