[nycphp-talk] Fatal error when trying to connect to db using DB/MySQL

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Mon Sep 15 14:13:21 EDT 2003


On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 01:12:02PM -0400, Peter Lehrer wrote:
> Fatal error: Class db_common: Cannot inherit from undefined class pear 
> in C:\php\pear\DB-1.3\DB\common.php on line 29
> I checked line 29 of common.php and there is:
> "class DB_common extends PEAR"

The error message says it all.  Line 29 is creating a new class that 
extends a class named PEAR.  Unfortunately, the class named pear could not 
be found.  It's kind of hard to extend something that can't be found, so 
PHP says so and stops.

Now, the question is WHY the PEAR class can't be found.  I'd guess your 
include path doesn't match your installation.  Or, perhaps, you botched 
your installation all together.


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