[nycphp-talk] recommend something CMS-ish

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Sep 16 09:35:08 EDT 2003

Thanks, I will give it a look.

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Francisco Altea wrote:

> You might want to check out eZ publish- .  It is a full-featured CMS and web-application framework. It is based on templates and has a modular design which can be extended to fit any web application.
> David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
> Hey y'all.
> Today I'm looking for recommendations for something that I guess they call
> a Content Management System, a thing that will allow clients themselves to
> edit their own HTML pages (or Smarty templates as the case may be) so I
> don't have to do it, and without them having to have a shell or FTP
> account on the shared server where their sites live -- i.e.,
> browser-based. They should be able to upload, download, move/copy/delete
> files and directories, and edit things in place as well (if they're
> fearless and foolish like... some people).
<snip />

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