[nycphp-talk] web store + Linkpoint API

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Tue Sep 16 19:26:55 EDT 2003

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 07:17:02PM -0400, Jerry Kapron wrote:
> Does anybody know of any good complete web store code with support for the
> Linkpoint merchant API?  I usually code my own stuff but I simply don't have
> enough time to "reinvent the wheel" this time ... and the deadline for this
> assignment is right around the corner. This client needs an advanced web
> store with all the bells and whistles, especially for shipping (real-time
> interaction with FedEx or UPS would be nice), shopper accounts, advanced
> order processing, inventory management and report creation.  He already has
> a Linkpoint merchant account, so it would be nice if I could find a ready
> solution with support for Linkpoint API.  Your suggestions are really
> appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Jerry

OSCommerce has most of what you're looking for.  There is a Linkpoint API
module in the contributions that uses the PHP Wrapper from Linkpoint (now free,
used to be $95 from them).  There are also shipping modules for the real-time
shipping calculations...

PS. Don't bother using the Linkpoint Basic integration module ... there is
potential for user error to foul up an order and thats not good.

Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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