[nycphp-talk] osCommerce questions ...

Dan Horning dan at
Wed Sep 17 09:11:20 EDT 2003

> [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of jon baer
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] osCommerce questions ...
> 2 questions ...
> * have there been any *bad* experiences with using the package?

I've personally only ever heard great results with OSC
And that's from everyone I've talked to who uses it.
(used all over the world)

> * can the admin be locked down or be used only offsite with 
> say a tunneled p'keyd mysql connection ...

Yes .. Because the database system on your server can be set to
ip/domain only access
Therefore assuming that your remote location has access to the port
mysql runs on
(firewall issue prevention)

Any other questions?
- Dan Horning

     Technical Evangelism &
     Media Systems Administation
MX2 Productions
     Media from concept to execution.

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